Real Estate for Sale in Spain | Property in Spain

Investors Prefer Property for Sale in Spain

Property for sale in Spain has long been a hot favorite for foreign buyers, particularly in the southern region of Andalucía (Costa del Sol) since the introduction of packaged tours began in the 1960’s. Especially holiday apartments and houses in Spain are most preferred.

Spain’s impetus to the new wave of tourism was the beginning of the then-growing hotel industry, the government - who saw tourism revenues as an economic stimulus - and advancements in aviation technology. For the first time, higher capacity passenger aircraft and faster travel times created the necessary economies of scale to launch travel into the everyday affordability of the middle-class.

A lifestyle privilege once reserved for the wealthy was now accessible to the mainstream consumer. Affordable and convenient, international travel bolstered the global tourism industry in tandem with the ease of the movement of foreign currency. This confluence of events made Spain the ‘go-to’ destination for sun-starved Europeans and global travels eager to explore Spain’s rich history and UNESCO world heritage sites.

High-quality properties close to the sea offers a dream-like lifestyle in Spain.

Buying a Property in Spain – Strong Economic Fundamentals

Fast-forward more than 50-years and today Spain is the world's second most visited country (after France) with 82 million tourists per year, accounting for 11 percent of the national economy.

But before the return to record-breaking tourism numbers, real estate in Spain was once fuelled by debt-ridden developers and funded by credit-backed banks – two of many important prerequisites for a real estate bubble. A decade after the housing market crisis, valuable lessons have been learned and Spanish properties are today funded by healthy investor equity and not credit.

In a sign of returned confidence to the local real estate market, Blackstone, the world’s largest private markets investor, has recently invested € 25 billion in real estate projects throughout Spain.

Historically, when institutional investors (a.k.a. “the smart money”) buy a property in Spain at such levels, it generally signals a return of investor confidence to the real estate industry. But Blackstone is not alone, as other institutional funds have since invested billions of Euros into properties in Spain, reinforcing the return of investor confidence and confirmation that Spanish real estate is a viable asset class once again.

Beyond such strong metrics, real estate in Spain - especially the Costa del Sol - has been a popular choice for foreign buyers dating back to 1946 when German Prince Maximilian de Hohenlohe-Langenburg and his son, Alfonso, experienced car troubles near the small fishing village of Marbella. Population back then: 900.

Their Rolls Royce broke down… a blessing in disguise, as Alfonso liked the place so much he purchased land in Spain, Marbella and constructed his home. In what quickly became popular with visiting guests, Alfonso later converted his party-pad into the now-famous Marbella Club – becoming the first luxury hotel in Spain, Costa del Sol.

Being of aristocratic descent, Alfonso rubbed shoulders with the Ruling Elite of Europe, which in turn mingled in celebrity circles. Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant were frequent patrons of the Marbella Club.

The late ruler of Saudi Arabia, King Fahd built a sprawling self-contained estate in Marbella called the “Mar-Mar Palace” and visited often, accompanied by his 3,000-strong entourage. This set the trend for the regular influx of wealthy Arab tourists whose supercars and superyachts prominently adorn the chic boutique streets of Puerto Banús Marina - the place to be seen.

Royalty and the rich aside, celebrity sightings are not uncommon in Marbella. Celebrities with Marbella homes include Antonio Banderas, Melanie Griffith, Simon Cowell, Lord Alan Sugar, Vladimir Putin, Rod Steward (lives in the same development as President Putin), Julio Iglesias, and formerly George Clooney.

Fortunately, you don’t need to be an aristocrat or celebrity to appreciate the benefits of buying property in Spain. The Costa del Sol is famous for its temperate Mediterranean climate, over 300 days of sunshine, and more blue flag beaches than anywhere else in the world. Spain offers one of Europe’s lowest costs of living, making ownership of real estate in Spain for sale a sound investment and lifestyle opportunity.

Real estate in Spain offers a vast array of lifestyle properties for all budgets: Spanish apartments, condominiums, semi-detached villas, detached villas, countryside (Finca) properties, oceanfront property, sprawling palatial mansions, building plots and commercial real estate opportunities. The greatest challenge is deciding which Spanish property style suits your lifestyle needs.

Beyond your property in Spain wish list, considerations such as location, budget, nearby facilities, transport connections, airports, shopping, beaches, hospitals, tourist attractions, ex-pat communities, investment potential and regional climate are all often part of the decision-making matrix when buying a real estate in Spain.

More Information

While we can’t necessarily promise you’ll have celebrity neighbors or rub shoulders with royalty, at Spain Homes we can ensure our team of friendly, multi-lingual property experts will show you a vast array of properties to buy in Spain that meets your needs and accommodates your lifestyle requirements. Call today to get started.

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